New Year endeavors

It’s been a very long time since I wrote, not that life has not stopped flowing though..

2020 marks a brand new 12-year cycle for Earth and humanity. It’s going to be both exciting and daunting for every soul who is embodied at this time or in the queue for another chance to attain physical mastery in matter.

For me, it’s a new cycle of learning, assimilating of knowledge in new subjects and most importantly, integrating into daily practice of our four lower bodies (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual).

Whilst Power and man-made authority may be redistributed amongst kingdoms as human souls crave to embrace freedom and independence more and more in this new cycle, what about the average soul like you and me? Would we take on more accountability for our own lives, shape a new sustainable lifestyle and shake off every sticky habit that’s been holding us back from growth?

Life without change is an illusion.. Be it growing better or worst, we just can’t stay still, can we? So in this brand new year, I pray for every soul to attain more attunement with its own Christ Self, hopefully to be able to manifest a brighter version of “Self”, in whatever circumstances that may unfold.

May you always be victorious in this treacherous journey called “Life”
